International conferences
Adroit, B.*, Denk, T. - 26th IUFRO World Congress, 23-29 Juin 2024, Stockholm (Sweden) - Insect galls as indicators of ecosystem changes in the Mediterranean forests: comparison of patterns in fossil and contemporary data, oral presentation
Adroit, B.*, Güner, T., & Denk, T. XV International Palynological Congress & XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference. 27-31 Mai 2024, Prague (Czech Republic) Integrating fossil and contemporary data to trace ecosystem changes in Mediterranean forests through insect-galls, oral presentation
[Symposium coordinator] - Adroit, B., Tosal, A., Güner, T., Denk, T. - XV International Palynological Congress & XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference, 27-31 Mai 2024 - Symposium title:: Global insights into the evolutionary origin of Mediterranean-type ecosystems: taxonomy, palaeoecology, palaeogeography, and taphonomy
[Moderator] Kozlov, M.V., Castagneyrol, B., 26th IUFRO World Congress, 23-29 Juin 2024, T5.28 Predicting the future of forest ecosystems from contemporary spatial patterns
Adroit, B.*, Denk, T., Datz-Symposium and 30th International Workshop on Plant Taphonomy, 17-21 Mai 2022, Dresden (Germany), There is no simple way to explain trophic structure in terrestrial palaeoecosystems using plant-insect interactions, oral presentation
Adroit, B.*, Wang, B., The International Symposium of Major refugia of relict trees: Recent Advances in Research and Conservation, 7-13 Juillet 2019, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden (China), Biogeographic history of the genus Parrotia highlighted by a new plant-insect interaction, oral presentation
Adroit, B.*, 8th International Conference on Fossil Insects, Arthropods & Amber, 8-12 Avril 2019, Saint-Domingue (Dominican Republic), Biogeographic history of the Persian Ironwood highlighted by a new plant-insect interaction discovered in Germany (-3 Ma), poster
Adroit, B.*, 27th International Workshop on Plant Taphonomy, 7-9 Décembre 2018, Darmstadt (Germany), Presentation of a new damage type measured on both modern and fossil Parrotia leaves, oral presentation
Adroit, B.*, The 5th international palaeontological congress, 9-13 Juillet 2018, Paris (France), The Plio-Pleistocene biogeographic history of Parrotia persica highlighted by a new plant-insect interaction, oral presentation
Adroit, B.*, Girard, V., Terral, J-F., Wappler, T., 88th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 26-30 Mars 2017, Münster (Germany), Structure of the European palaeoecosystems from the Plio-Pleistocene transition: inputs of the plant-insect interactions, oral presentation
Adroit, B.*, Malekhosseini, M., Wappler, T., 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 11-15 Septembre 2016, Bonn (Germany- Herbivore density and leaf damage on Persian ironwood, Parrotia persica, in the Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forest, oral presentation
Adroit, B.*, Girard, V., Terral, J-F., Wappler, T., 7th International Conference on Fossil Insects, Arthropods & Amber, 26th Avril 1st Mai, Edinburgh (Scotland, UK), Plant-insect interaction at Willershausen (-3 Ma, Germany): insights into the structuration of an important late European Palaeoecosystem, oral presentation
Invited talks
2023 - NRM, Stockholm - Deciphering the past: The impact of taphonomic bias on understanding plant-insect interactions. Invited by Dr Alessandro Maltese
2023 - IPANEMA, Gyf-sur-Yvettes - Les interactions plante-insecte comme indicateurs des changements des écosystèmes. Invited by Dr. Laurent Tranchant.
2023 - IMBE, Aix-en-Provence - Café de l’Arbois - Les interactions plante-insecte indicateurs des changements des écosystèmes. Invited by Dr. Morteza Djamali
2022 - Biogeco INRAE, Bordeaux - Les interactions plante-insecte dans le registre fossile. Invited by Dr. Bastien Castagneyrol
2020 - Université de Varsovie (Pologne) - Input from herbivory traces in our understanding of paleoenvironments. Invited by Prof. Adam T. Halamski
2019 - Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (Chine) - Evolution of trophic structure forest in Eurasia. Invited by Dr. Tao Su
2018 - Université de Montpellier - Structures des paléoforêts Européennes à la fin du Cénozoique : l’intérêt des interactions plantes-insectes. Invited by Prof. Adam Ali
2017 - Institut Méditerranéen de Biologie et d’Ecologie - Persian Ironwood (Parrotia persica): the story of a survivor from the glacial crises. Invited by Dr. Morteza Djamali
2015 - Université de Bonn (Allemagne) - (Paleo)Ecosytem structuration: seen by Plant-Insect Interactions. Invited by Prof Jes Rust.
Invited outreach
2023 - Lycée agricole Pierre-Paul-Riquet, Castelnaudary - "Vers une gestion durable des forêts européennes : Valoriser les espèces végétales reliques" - Cérémonie de remises des prix des villes et villages fleuris d’Occitanie.
2023 - Maison départementale de l’Aude, Lézignan-Corbières - "L’importance des espèces de plantes reliques en Europe dans la gestion de nos forêts" - Rencontre inter-départementale en région Occitanie sur la gestion des serres expérimentales départementales.
2021 - Les conférences CPMX dans le cadre RSE Développement Durable - “La pollution du numérique, ce faux-débat et ses idées reçues” - CPME Haute-Garonne, Toulouse